non-zionist jews making worldwide progress

  1. 301 Posts.

    From True Torah Jews
    Jews Against Zionism

    True Torah Jews are making progress in the effort to inform the world that all Jews are not Zionists and that all Jews do not support the so-called 'state of Israel'.

    Washington and London are listening to the words of the Grand Rabbis. Secretary of State Colin Powell , in a letter to our editor, Russell Waxman, stated that he shares our concern on this subject. Colin Powell has acknowledged publicly that opposition to the actions of the state of 'Israel' is not anti-Semitic and in doing so has made the distinction between Judaism and Zionism.

    A distinguished Member of the British Parliament has informed us that in the next debate in Parliament on the situation in the Middle East, she will bring out the position of traditional Jews. Both Jews and non-Jews worldwide will be watching that debate with great interest.

    We wish to thank our members not only for their encouraging words of support but for their generous contributions to the furtherance of this cause.

    Our recent half page ad in the Washington Times newspaper, supported by the donations of our members, generated many positive comments and many visitors to our website. For those members who do not have access to the Washington Times we have obtained a copy of the ad and posted it on our website. A link can be found at the bottom of our home page.

    If you have an idea or suggestion on other avenues of public relations we can pursue to publicize the viewpoint of Torah True Jews, please email Mr. Russell Waxman, our editor, at [email protected]

    Through your support and our continued efforts we believe that one day the Zionist 'state of Israel' will no longer be called 'the Jewish state'' but the 'state of the Zionists' and Jews worldwide will be able to live in peace and happiness ever after.

    Russell Waxman
    True Torah Jews/Jews Against Zionism
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