north korea to curb nuclear work for us food

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    As I said in a recent post, the tensions with NK were all about them needing food aid.
    And now, it seems they have it:

    "Other analysts said the agreement allowed Mr. Kim to demonstrate his command and to use his early months in power to improve people’s lives after years of food shortages and a devastating famine. “It helps him show to his people that he is a leader who can deal with the Americans and bring back some practical benefits, namely the food aid,” said Kim Yong-hyun, an analyst at Dongguk University in Seoul.

    As part of the agreement, the United States said it would send 240,000 metric tons (about 265,000 tons) of food, though it limited the aid to nutritional supplements, rather than the rice and grains that, as two administration officials said, has in previous instances been diverted by the government or the military, or even sold abroad. "

    So it seems peace will reign in the area till the food aid runs out, unless young Kim can get his people to grow more crops in the meantime. And just maybe, Kim will be different to his ancestors in the ruling dynasty, and strive towards lifting his people up.


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