north korea, page-21

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    "Any war between NK and SK would further stretch the west at a time that the US in particular can least afford it. Trillions of additional dollars would have to be borrowed by the US govt to support this additional campaign. Money they simply can't afford after trillions have been spent on stimulus packages. With half of Europe on the verge of financial collapse which European countries would offer to help?"

    The US Federal Reserve is OK, financially.... Many banks around the world and in the US are in debt to them. Many banks within the US are in debt to the US Fed Reserve, the US people are expendable in their eyes, the US Govt is controlled by the US FEDS (even though many can't see it).

    Forget about US Govt. and forgive the US people.... Behind the scenes the rich elite, especially out of the USA are planning many things that we have to dig deeper to see and understand.... One world govt., a "new world order", supposedly that promises peace..... where all the "rogue nations" and "rogue dictators" are brought into line.

    Things aren't always as they seem.....

    IF it was all about lasting peace, kindness, sharing, healing, ridding the world of all the "baddies", it would be OK, but what is happening is far from that.... as the "goodies" are using lies to take what they want, to set the world up as they think it ought to be set up..... pride??

    What about us, individually, what about Australia, the nation? What "news" are we getting to form our opinions?

    There are nutter leaders around the world, there are war mongerers. These are not always on the "baddies" side, neither are the "goodies" always innocent.

    Who set up the UN?

    Who has supplied Taiwan with US$Billions of arms for MANY years?

    "Goody" fingers pointing at the trail of the serpent behind other thrones don't see the snake is very much behind their own thrones...

    Let's hope the true good guys win in the end..... I've heard they do....

    We may surprised just how many nice people there are in these "rogue nations", how many hurting, how many starving needing food, how many sick needing medicine....

    It's not just about left and right of politics, not just about communism, socialism, conservatism, humanism, capitalism, nationalism, globalism??........

    Hopefully Australians will see the big picture.... after all, the "fair go for all" is suppose to be that. People just want a fair go, after all.....

    I love it when Cuba beats the combined "World Baseball League Combined Team" (or whatever they call themselves) in baseball..... maybe we have some hope there is a level playing field left somewhere on this globe.... where someone can't just buy up all the best players, change the rules etc etc....if you know what I mean???....

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