Northam residents concerned by Christmas Island breakoutsUpdated...

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    Northam residents concerned by Christmas Island breakouts
    Updated March 16, 2011 18:03:00

    The Premier is concerned about the detention centre being built at the site of the old Northam army camp.
    Map: Northam 6401 The President of Northam Shire says public confidence in the security of the new detention centre has been eroded by the Christmas Island breakouts.

    The Federal Government is building a detention facility in Northam which will cater for 15-hundred single men.

    Northam residents were told last year that the detention centre would have a high level of security, similar to that of Christmas Island.

    The Shire President Steven Pollard will meet the community reference group tomorrow and address the issue of safety.

    He says people are concerned about the recent events at Christmas Island and public confidence has been damaged.

    "It's certainly been shaken and I'd need to be reassured that what is going to be put in place here is at the best possible standard to make sure that there is no prospect of people getting out," he said.

    Mr Pollard says he still believes the centre could benefit the town, but safety is an overriding concern.

    "We are trying to find out that the facility here is going to be as secure as it needs to be to keep the 1500 people inside."

    Meanwhile, the Premier Colin Barnett says the incidents at Christmas Island only reinforce his fears that a similar situation could occur at Northam.

    Mr Barnett says the recent events at the Christmas Island detention centre show the potential dangers of housing thousands of asylum seekers in a cramped environment.

    He says at 1500 people, the Northam facility is too big.

    "If you put large numbers of single males in an environment, that is a recipe for the sort of problems we're seeing on Christmas island at the moment," he said.

    Mr Barnett says he does not want to see the events at Christmas Island repeated in Northam.

    "There's talk that the water supply won't be on, the power supply won't be done properly. Bringing in temporary donga accommodation. I mean this has all got a sense of panic about it," he said.

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