Nostradamus predicted a Nuclear war this year., page-7

  1. 4,941 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 147
    More hogwash for a forum that is rapidly, and continually deteriorating in styles, standard, content and intent.

    Yesterday, it was "exit all positions". Today, it is "Nostradamus .....". Tomorrow it will be "Memorial weekend - teroist threats.....".

    And next week, it will be about one or more companies missing their earning's mark and the markets punishing them severely for it.

    The world has lived in much more dangerous times than these. Just consider WW1, WW2, and more particularly, the Cold War decades.

    The disputed region of Kashmir has been fought over many times before, and the opposing forces have been massed across the border from each other since at least 1947. Doubtless, it will be fought over again, now, or in the future. But, as for nuclear war, the answer is no, that will not occur. Nor is it likely to occur.

    Despite the obvious threat that nuclear arsenals present to us all, the tactical battlefield has become more of a conventional battleground than ever before, with conventional airsupport, missiles, and personnel on the ground.

    Contrary, therefore, to what most tacticians or alarmists may consider, more skirmishes /wars in the future will be fought by either conventional or tactical means, rather than by resort to nuclear or similarly destructive devices.

    The true evidence of detente has been the ever continuing presence of a nuclear arsenal which, in order to be eradicated would require a 100% successful first strike, and then hope that the prvailing trade winds will not blow the resulting radiation back over their own forces.

    In other words, all that a comprehensive nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan will achieve is the following:
    high and continuing death tolls;
    the desertification (though radiation fallout) of Kashmir;
    the loss of Kashmir altogether (nothing gained here for anyone); and
    risk of contaminated fallout being blown back over either Pakistan or India (in other words, back over each other).

    For theses reasons, such an exchange will not result, not even as a very small field device to use in a direct battlefield situation.

    In times like these, one wonders whether human society is rational at all. In the area of world affairs, I believe that that is the case (ie: society is ordered and rational). In the markets, however, and with many of those who play out the markets, I am rapidly concludicng that that is not the case (ie: society is chaotic and disorderly).

    Enjoy your trading day, and the forthcoming weekend. As others have said, if the untinkable occurs, there will be nothing left for any of us to consider. So could the last one out, please turn of the lights. It's too bright out there!!!!
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