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The CVI threads have become a joke...One whih says volumes about...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    The CVI threads have become a joke...

    One whih says volumes about the nature of some of the people on this site unfortunatey.

    Some amongst us posses an obvious quality of the human spirit...others are sadly far from it.

    Whilst CVI appears to have attracted the lions share of “interest” in this regard, it is probably fair to say we see good and bad on all threads.

    I have not posted to any degree on CVI for months and months…yet I see I am to blame for the world financial crisis? For what it is worth…I am backwards some $1.6m from CVI's highs via opportunity loss...and down to the tune of some $450k all up from actual outlay versus return.

    I guess like everyone else…I have lost money in CVI.

    I too could blame all and sundry for this...from Smyth to the Angolans...from the global markets to "Global" themselves...even the shorting crew clearly evident on these threads over the last 12 months or so…

    But I will not!

    Instead I will suck it in, reflect on my reasons for investing, for following the stock for so long…and try to learn how not to do so poorly with any such scenarios next time.

    My biggest mistake was not taking profits to reclaim initial outlay during the first run. The decision NOT to do so was based on a foolish sense of responsibility to those on the CVI forums…the very same people now huffing and puffing, denegrating me at every breath.

    I will never do that again!

    The entire market is being forced to eat sh!t sandwiches at the moment…CVI it appears has been served up a bigger slice than most. CVI is also one of the most posted on stocks…perhaps another point worthy of reflection?

    As I said long long ago…my initial interest in CVI was always the Cu. I posted such numerous times...along the way however the story and the potential simply got bigger and bigger...perhaps too big?

    I guess this is also one of the things I will be reflecting on.

    If the markets had held up...who knows...maybe Pensador would have stacked up, but clearly we are seeing with the failure of Pensador the sort of wide ranging impact the current global finacial "adjustment" is having at many levels…and no doubt will continue to have...and the capacity for companies to progress deals and/or projects in the all new, somewhat less than conducive market environment.

    We really are facing a “Brave New World”.

    Perhaps this aspect is the one we should be reflecting on in particular?

    I genuinely feel sorry for all of us who have lost money here...I do not however have any thoughts other than pure distain for those few who it appears always seemed to know what was coming...way before the rest of us did…and perhaps in some small part contributed to a more difficult environment from which the company could negotiate?

    Who knows…perhaps if the stock had managed to get t, then find support in the mid 50’s, perhaps everything would have panned out differently? As I have said…higher prices lead to higher prices via the multiple benefits of less dilution and greater funding/negotiating capacity.

    I guess we will never know.

    I have to say…there is one aspect that has always troubled me...and whilst it is possible for some to assume various scenarios prior to their realisation via a wider market influence, there has been a certain smell to the way heavy selling always preceded bad news.

    Did the selling come from those causing the problems which lead to the bad news…I guess this is another thing we may never know?

    There is no doubt working in this part of the world comes with risk. Angola may well be less risky than others, none the less however, CVI's predicament is testement to the nature of what can go wrong…assuming of course the problems stemmed from the Angolans?

    Perhaps my biggest regret personally was buying shares for my parents...especially the recent top up, almost doubling their position at 9.1c recently...just 2 weeks or so ago in fact. Sorry about that mum4profit...all I can say is welcome to the speculative end of the market.

    There will always be another opportunity though...and to be perfectly honest, CVI is far from spite of the fact it looks like an "ex parrot"

    Look to the trading in ABS and CNP after their bad-news driven sell-downs...both fell significantly under major selling pressure…both were HC most posted stocks…and both staged major recoveries prior to eventually drifting by the wayside. I guess this sort of activity is reflective of “players” needing to generate a run from which to recover losses?

    As I see it, CVI has come full circle...back to the Cu and Au roots that originally attracted me...only this time we have some 500-600m shares on issue versus just 180m or so when I first looked at her, so upside is clearly limited compared to prior.

    To be fair, we don't actually have much to show these days for all the money that has been raised…and shares now n issue…but at 3c or less, one might argue value does exist if the minerals assets can be activated.

    In spite of the sell-down, Catabola remains of interest to me...and CDB of course represents decent value...but do I have the capacity to see it out, or god forbid buy more?

    Need some time to think that one through I suggest.

    As for all those who feel the need to carry on like 12 year olds...and blame others for the wider market demise, or their own investing/trading activities...I suggest some self reflection may be in order, so we learn from rather than avoid that which has come before us.

    If self reflection fails however…perhaps a stiff uppercut to one’s own chin may help knock some sense into

    As for the hero's on here who always seem to feel the need to tell everyone "I told you so"...or worse, who use their anonymity to accuse, make threats or basically denigrate others...please, PLEASE, just grow up and instead of blaming others, how about taking on some responsibility?

    I fear in the obsession that HC has become for some, they simply do not seem to realise just how embarrassing much of their diatribe has become…I mean, seriously, I find it hard to believe some of the stuff being posted is coming from adults.

    Perhaps it is not?

    I have stated on numerous occasions why I no longer post on the CVI forum...there are some here very much aware of this, yet they still choose to make wild accusations about my reasons for not posting...ironically, in their mischief they appear happy to claim others have ulterior motive? We must remember, nobody is anonymous on HC…not one person, no matter how smart they think they are with proxy servers and the like. I suspect some are either unaware of this, or simply have forgotten and frankly, I find it ironic to the extreme so many would get so upset about the thought of surveillance of these threads…lol…I mean, what is that about?


    The problem with forums such as HC is they can develop into a form of brain washing event...if we read the same stuff over and over, eventually some of it rubs off and we start to believe in it. With this in mind, one must question the sort of repetitive diatribe emanating from some…over and over…I mean, what is the purpose of flooding threads with the same stuff over and over?

    Surely it would not be for genuine reasons?

    I have read a few posts today, for the first time in over a week...and frankly, I wish I had spent the time doing something far more constructive…like sortingmy sock drawer or something.

    Forums can be extremely addictive, not only tilting one from his or her “reality axis”, but also effectively destroying otherwise fruitful lives…I read some of the diatribe of late (not just CVI mind you) and can’t help but wonder how many have lost the plot entirely…and how many of those would be far better off doing something else with their time.

    Tough times in the markets…take care all.

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