not quite ready for democracy, page-10

  1. 3,439 Posts.
    By Pam O'Toole
    BBC, London

    Political manoeuvring is intensifying among Iraqi opposition parties hoping to play a prominent role in a post-war Iraq.

    The pace has been set by Ahmed Chalabi, head of the London-based Iraqi National Congress, who was airlifted into southern Iraq by the Americans at the weekend.

    Dissent over leadership in the Iraqi opposition

    The INC and a number of other opposition parties have spoken of plans to hold an opposition meeting in southern Iraq within the next week.

    Ahmed Chalabi's arrival in southern Iraq has stirred up strong feelings among the largely exiled Iraqi opposition.

    His supporters say he is working to ensure that Washington transfers power to an interim Iraqi authority as quickly as possible once President Saddam Hussein has gone.

    His detractors allege that he is making a last ditch grab for power, supported by some powerful allies in Washington.

    Whatever the truth, his move has served to intensify manoeuvring among other groups in the largely exiled Iraqi opposition.

    Some fear that Dr Chalabi, a skillful politician, may be promoted as a future leader by his allies in parts of the US Defence Department.

    The Pentagon currently seems to have the upper hand in a power struggle with the US State Department over the political shape of post-war Iraq.

    Returning from Iran

    Meanwhile, other Iraqi dissident groups are also positioning themselves.

    The head of the main Shia opposition group, SCIRI, says he plans to return to Iraq from his long-term base in Iran.

    And new opposition groupings and alliances have been emerging over recent weeks.

    There is talk of an opposition meeting to be held in southern Iraq in the near future.

    But, as is often the case with the disparate Iraqi opposition, there are varying accounts of what its aims might be, when it would be held and who would take part.
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