not reilgious now?, page-160

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    To "prove" that the story of Jesus Christ is part symbolic of a process of advancement aka allegory,and that the stories are also based on the example set by a man who once lived,is a little like my asking a neuro-scientist to prove that consciousness exists.Neither can be observed,nor can they be weighed and measured in the way that material objects can.Quantum physics has thrown up anomilies relating to consciousness such that when an object is observed,that this in turn affects the outcome/reality of that which is observed.Similarly in medicine it has been observed that the state of mind can have significant effects on the body's ability to heal itself.In similar fashion to JC there has existed throughout history men and women regarded as 'holy ones' with varying,but supra-human abilities.

    The symbolic expression of Jesus Christ and consciousness both share something in common in that they can both be experienced,but not proven in the terms you demand for how can something as immaterial as consciousness ever arise from something as unconscious as matter.

    Secondly did you know that the public system of education was introduced in order to indoctrinate children into a system to suit the needs (and boredom) of the industrial revolution.Pawns in the system,how well it has worked.
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