Not very competitive photography, page-1241

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    I didn’t get a mention in the awards at the art festival but they only give a first prize and one honourable mention but I had a few positive responses from the organisers and a couple of people who I know vaguely (and they rarely even acknowledge me) so I’m happy with that.

    A bloke who I ask, when faced with a technical issue to do with wood and the options available, won the section my stuff was in.

    I reckon his Box was a worthy winner and if I had been the person nominated to judge the entries, I would have been impressed with his efforts.

    The journey from the moment the idea hits the little grey cells to the point where I think, Stuff It, that’ll do and all the little epiphanies that occur as I try to figure out how to make the picture in my head become the reality when I say Stuff It.
    Is the best Fun for me.

    Putting it out on Public view is fun because I’m always interested to see if people “get it” or if I’ve gone to far off piste with my idea.

    Anywat, I’ll post a picture of the Box that won as I hope some might be interested.

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