Note4_&2_Any, page-158

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    Chillax mate,
    its standard EOFY sheet,,,

    Batton the hatches,,,
    and watch the losers
    and all looser sooner or later become winners,,
    Its a basic cold fact,,,,

    To a many peeps get all down if things dip in a day,,,
    One just grins,,,and picks up more crumbs,,,

    Never sell in panic,,as it takes 4 times a long to make up the loss...

    Remember that many with pockets full of calms are ready to dump some
    just to see who will run....

    To them its small change,,,but many dont know this,,and fall into their hands,,,

    did not expect a reply from you tonight,,,
    and was gonna post this bit of nothing anyway...
    so here it is,,,

    Oh sorry have not checked the mail for a day or two,, its been hecktic,,,

    Tok with ya soon...


    PINK CHEESE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    and the fun of chemisrty

    Oh and a few ??+% ciders help to make the music,go round

    how ya doing @mandp and @ris4rob and all others,, and @peony-rose are ya ok?
    wat watching 7 odd sreens of diff tiv feeds while poking around,,,
    and thought,, to post or not to post,,,this stuff is real boring,,,

    Cooking and all that jazz,,, after all ,,our little pub SBS,and ABC chanel that all what ot privatise
    seen to show the most intersting stuff that the other channels only cotton on to weeks later.

    Like markets, few have what it takes...

    Patience, !


    Well here is a lil bit of a snippet,

    Things take time and the whatchfullness,

    See at first things are slow and real dull and borring,


    Case in point,,,
    Am getting to a new batch of Pink Cheese,,,
    It took a week,,




    Ok told ya the baiscs a while back,,,

    whis time added a new twist,,,and being a chemist,,
    the initial stages are long slow and very dulll,,

    But when the final confluencec occure ya better be on ya toes,,,
    as things happen fast and if ya fall asleep at the stove,,all ya end is is with a glum face..

    oH secret ingred--fine choped parsley______________________

    Now to those that read the basics of cheese with seeds,,,

    Have been experimenting with PINK Cheese,,,


    Had a broth left over of chook bones, ( gelatine )
    and beetroot/garlic/majoran/pimmento etc...

    Had 3 lit of full cream milk weighs, filtered, till lumpy.

    Got a cast iron pot over the fire,
    and put the whole lot in,
    with one tub ot sour cream,,,


    and just stired and stired and sitred,and dertes,,,so nothing would burn,and
    form gunk...


    Now oil and water dont mix to well,,,but with the right hand holding bonds,,
    and ever mixing,,,slowly just slowly,,,chem fat and protein bonds begin to form...

    its real boring,,, ,,,

    til the critical point gets close,,,

    then things happen real fast,,,

    and ya got to mix real fast,,and ease off the heat...

    Oh this is cheese without rennet,,,
    what is vital is the beetroot and garlic and chook bone leftovers,,
    Ya cant buy this sheet in a shop,,,
    hate most shop stuff,,,they have No IDEA,,,

    Then turn to low and keep a slow motion stir,,,

    when it gets thick,,and not lumpy,,,

    Dispence to small tubs,,put in fridge,,
    and spread over toast the next day,,,
    with whatever fresh veg slices ya have at hand....

    It takes time to get yummms,,
    but they are worth the it....
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