nothing changes

  1. 4,511 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6968
    If the labour party is decimated after the next election and they are in opposition for a couple of terms won't the faceless men still be working behind the scenes controlling the way the party restructures itself ready for the next time?

    Wont the unions still be the breeding grounds for the next generation of inept labour politicians and their backers?
    Wont the same corrupt people be there in the back ground beavering away networking & making their contacts and gathering their favours.

    Wont the same heavy weights who pull the strings now be still pulling the strings?
    After all no one voted them into the current govt. or into the positions of power that they hold but they never the less run the show.

    I remember after Howards rule ended & the media was so sure that they would be in the wilderness for years.
    Undoubtedly they will be saying the same thing about Labour, until the Libs do something stupid & the worm will turn again.

    Sadly in politics nothing changes. Politicians will never change & unfortunately voters don't either.

    Its not the movers & shakers who will lose their jobs after the election only their puppets who will either move up to become movers & shakers or move on into lucrative govt appointed positions or onto company boards were they can use their contacts & favours to either make, break or milk the said companies.

    Either way they seem to land on their feet with a fat pension & ongoing perks.

    Ahh well life goes on.

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