noughties hottest decade on record, page-24

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "This data came from 3 independent sources which have always had a track record of accuracy and integrity."

    That's what they said about Hadley not so long ago. We now know otherwise.

    "So you claim Darwin's temperatures have not gone up - whoop de woo ."

    No, read my post, never mentioned Darwin.

    "Take a step back and look at the last decade, at the extreme weather events the world has experienced in the last decade:

    Hurricane Katrina
    The European heat waves of 2003
    Adelaide's runs of 40-plus days
    The Victorian bush fires
    Britain's record temperature smashed
    Greenland ice sheet retreating rapidly
    Arctic sea ice in sharp retreat
    Increased incidents of forest fires around the world
    Siberian permafrost melting
    Increased incidents of floods worldwide
    Measurable sea level rise
    Bleaching of coral reefs
    Increase in ocean acidification
    Increased incidents of major storms"

    Compared to what? And more importantly, who said so? Hadley/CRU by any chance?

    " If you won't accept the raw data then what does your gut tell you. Planet's cooling ? I think not."

    That's a (necessary) climbdown, isn't it? Acknowledging that the raw data is suspect, we are back to gut instinct. My gut says it's time for lunch.

    "The data is out there. The world is warming. Let's blow away these ridiculous conspiracy theories, accept that the world has a serious problem and discuss the best ways of solving it."

    Here we go again in this circular fashion, the data is out there. The "data" is suspect, so the data isn't out there. Just a lot of dodgy numbers played with by enthusiasts.


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