Now we know how the vaccine causing a big increase cancer and other diseases., page-20

  1. 900 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2997
    I think those who need to take a really good look at themselves are the ones who demanded everyone around them get jabbed like it was some kind of club. The shots could never have reduced the spread of the virus.

    The shots couldn't have impacted mucosal immunity and the sub-optimal protection two weeks after the 2nd dose meant they would cause the virus to spread and mutate. That's what happened in Israel with Delta (Dr Kobi Haviv from Herzog hospital said one (vaccinated person) would come in and infect an entire ward. That's what I observed and experienced here in Melbourne (a triple jabbed friend was only in our house for 3 hours and infected me and my daughter). The same daughter (up-to-date with boosters) herself went over to the UK and infected my mother and sister. Then she went to Spain and infected half her partner's family. I never had any shots. I've had Covid twice much less severely and less frequently than several much younger friends and family members. I'm certain I infected no one because I kept to myself.

    The denial of injuries compounds the abuse. Here's a common catchphrase: "I've had X number of doses and I'm OK" The batches (contents of the actual vials are not all the same). This had even been reported in the heavily censored MSM: Moderna had to pull lots from the market; in Vietnam 5 children died and 120 were hospitalized after a toxic Pfizer batch.

    Variability of batches could explain why there are people who know each other who got injuries (such as former president of the AMA Dr Kerryn Phelphs and her wife Jackie Stricker-Phelps whose neurological AE is particularly devastating. A friend with medical contacts has passed on the cases of two young men here in Melbourne who are friends and who got myocarditis after Pfizer. Neither case is mild and transient. They've been reported to the TGA by the cardiologist who asked to see the friend too. One of these men has an older friend of the family who also got myocarditis but I don't know about the severity of his condition.

    The deniers even accuse the injured of lying. I told some family members about a young woman I saw in Melbourne CBD (only had the shots to save her job) who was so maimed after Pfizer she couldn't even stand without friends on either side of her literally holding her up. They even asked me how far away I was standing and suggested she was being dramatic. Did she do something to make her skin look blotchy too? Had she practised altering her voice? I had a hard time understanding her (and I suspected a neurological injury). There was also a girl there aged 17 who got myocarditis after Pfizer.

    Then there are those who blame the injured for what happened to them. They may have read about exercise intolerance after the shots (which is based in truth) and imply it's the fault of the person for not resting. This argument ignores the cases of (mostly young men and teenagers) who are found dead in bed after the shots (Cardiologist Peter McCullough says this could be due to the adrenaline surge in the early hours of the morning).

    Those who acknowledge injuries insist they're rare. I asked one friend if she accepted that professionals such as Dr Phelphs and senior editor of the BMJ Peter Doshi were telling the truth about extreme censorship. She accepted they probably were. Some time later, though, she said children couldn't have died from these shots "or we'd have read about it in the "news".

    Most despicable of all, are the medical professionals who are keeping quiet about the rate of injuries they're seeing. They're complicit in what I have no doubt will some time in the future be known as the biggest medical crime ever committed. It wasn't uncommon to be refused an exemption for the second dose after an injury, as in the case of two young women I've written about on other forums whose hearts were damaged by mRNA shots: Jodie, a single mother, here in Melbourne and Renée from Queensland.

    These medical atrocities are unforgivable because ALL the information was there in the public domain from the get-go. You didn't need to know statistics. You just had to be able to count. Several top scientists (such as Robert Clancy) explained basic immunology in laypeople's terms.

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