nsw 500 mil pokie binge in dec, page-14

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    There a number of questions regarding this reported statement "There are suggestions a large proportion of the Federal Government's stimulus package went into poker machines. New South Wales punters gambled an extra $500 million in December."

    - Does the EXTRA (large proportion) $500 million refer to the previous month, the previous year etc etc.?;

    - What is the NORMAL expenditure on pokies for this time of the year (remember the figures could be distorted because of the recent ban on smoking at these venues);

    - The article states, inter alia, there are 'suggestions'. Does this mean that the publishers of this article don't really know and are merely guessing?

    - Is this article discussing turnover or actual cash into the machines

    We need more details before anyone can come to any sensible conclusion regarding the outcome of the Federal Government's Stimulus Package. Regardless expenditure on pokies can still lead to a stimulation of the economy (not that I recommend it) through employment of staff etc etc.
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