nsw politics in a right mess, page-19

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    agree, I have given up watching abc alltogether...but I did last sunday to see the rubbish they would twist to show that labor was still in front....even though it was a knife edge to losing the wa election....they all concentrated on how bad it was for the libs and the nats...

    as for andrew, his focus is almost only on the hocus pocus of the labor climate change....he thought gilliards education ann last week was good.....the fact that most of it was a recycled lib idea was lost.........and labs idea of a pc for all secondary students must have had the thieves drooling.....but gilliard had not factored in the cost of broadband, software or running costs.....hahahaha another goofy idea that in reality means nothing...

    go to andrews blog site to see his views....not profound enuff for me...he gets lots of hits, but its like a dogs breakfast over there anyway.....
    wonder what a dogs breakfast saying comes from ??? my dog sleeps in until 11.00, barks when she wants breakfast served, only eats special roast chicken, in a very slow and orderly fashion.....so it must be the other dogs they mean..shes a little dog
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