Nuclear Attack on "brainless" Australia...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2294
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    'Brainless' Australia is making itself a target for NUCLEAR attack by joining submarine deal with US and UK: Stern warning from China as Beijing fumes over new alliance

    I've come to the conclusion this is not going away... I would be interested in some thoughts here... China wants our country, has done for along time.. There seems to be a threat of war aimed at us, even so much as to imply China will not hesitate to show its power via nuclear weapons aimed right at us..

    WE are basically sitting ducks with near no defence as opposed to that of China... sure we have allies, but they themselves will still be protecting their own countries first and foremost..

    World War 3 seems highly likely as this escalates..

    Consider this:

    'Armed with nuclear submarines, Australia itself will be a target for possible nuclear attacks in the future,' the vice president for thinktank the Centre for China and Globalisation told ABC's China Tonight.


    His threats of a nuclear strike come just days after the Communist Party Mouthpiece the Global Times published an article citing an anonymous 'senior Chinese military expert' spouting similar propaganda.
    'This would make Australia a potential target for a nuclear strike, because nuclear-armed states like China and Russia are directly facing the threat from Australia's nuclear submarines which serve US strategic demands,' the expert said.

    Then to top it all off we have this current pandemic that is already being exposed as biological warfare... China even making claims that the USA created Covid-19

    Full article, click link below:
    Chinese media accuse U.S. of biological warfare

    The Chinese Communist Party has stepped up a war of words against the U.S., airing direct accusations that Washington engaged in biological warfare against China.


    I figure the world is in for a real awakening... but what can we do really, hide under a rock?...

    I have a lot of theories at present.. conspiracy theories also... the main one that concerns me is the shutting down of the internet via cyber attacks that are seemingly ramped up in Australia right now... the NAB went down a couple of times this year, scary to think you cant access your money... then we've got the virus to deal with and the poisonousness injection they are near mandating on everyone... not a fun time is these 2020's... rumours of threats and wars, ongoing pandemic, communism to the extremes, global warming, the list goes on and on...

    I have decided to sell up next year and move up north, looking at buying 100 acres + at present... Think its time to get away from heavy populated areas...

    Sooner or later we are going to have something catastrophic happen here in Australia IMO... China wants our country that is for sure...

    My main concern currently is what seems to be a culling of the population... in 2019 it was said that by 2050 there wouldn't be enough food to sustain the world population and that even western cultures would suffer badly... all off a sudden massive pandemic that is culling the population... we haven't seen anything yet IMO.... then you've got what I believe is a time bomb lethal injection... beware the 3rd dose as alike Israel.. what is even more scary is that anything that challenges such via media, news reports, data releases etc... is soon wiped of the internet..... all I can say is Be safe everyone, trust no one, don't trust your governments, question everything and research till the cows come home... crazy times we are living in..
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