Is Nuclear Waste Handled Safely?Once removed from a reactor,...

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    Is Nuclear Waste Handled Safely?

    • Once removed from a reactor, used fuel assemblies initially cool down in a storage pool. The concrete and steel pool and the water shield workers from radioactivity.
    • When cool enough that it no longer needs to be stored underwater—typically for 2 to 5 years after removal from the reactor—used fuel is transferred and stored in dry casks, which are large steel-reinforced concrete containers. These casks are designed for long term storage until a site is available for permanent disposal. They’re safe enough to walk up to and touch.
    • The U.S. nuclear energy industry routinely transports used fuel. In fact, after 7,000 shipments total of used fuel by the worldwide nuclear industry since 1970, there have been no harmful releases of radioactivity, injuries or environmental damage.

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