Putting aside the inconvenient fact that nuclear power...

  1. 1,436 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    Putting aside the inconvenient fact that nuclear power generation and its waste products are intrinsically unsafe, a major problem is that nuclear power cannot be simply turned on and off to meet the demand gaps created by intrinsically unreliable renewables. Therefore in a mix of nuclear and renewables you are likely to end up with a gross overcapacity of renewables unless you have a large amount of nuclear, in which case you would be turning off your renewables fairly frequently. Both scenarios are extremely wasteful and could be thereby assumed to be unnecessarily costly.

    Gas power plants can be ramped up and down at will and we have plenty of the stuff; the least wasteful solution would appear to be renewables backed up by gas and whatever storage may make economic sense (eg chemical or hydro). If the EV industry can ever get its collective sh*t together, a lot of the chemical storage will be in people's cars; then we can do the planet a favour and screw the murdering Saudis at the same time - that is a win-win result. smile.png
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