hi quokka.A widespread misconception persists that nuclear...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 655
    hi quokka.

    A widespread misconception persists that nuclear plants can only function as inflexible baseload sources of power—and it’s hurting prospects for the nuclear sector’s role in the world’s future power mix, which will increasingly be crowded by intermittent renewable energy forms, several experts say.

    not the best source to cite but I read both IAEA and US Gov. nuclear sites and they both say the same. but this mag site goes into developing tech on nuclear in a broader manner.

    then nuclear fusion is getting closer month on month.

    yep nuclear materials are dangerous. so is coal. coal and FF gas are both strong carcinogens. the difference is that nuclear materials are handled safely while CSG is allowed to release fugitive emissions far and wide causing worries to farms and towns so affected.

    Aus was assessed by the IAEA to demonstrate Aus safe disposal of nuclear waste so that nuclear subs could be operated in Aus. we passed. but I do agree that disposal is always only a temporary measure at this stage. 10,000 yrs is a long time contract alright.

    we really need a viable commercial waste recycling business in Aus according to my reading 98% of nuclear waste is already being recycled. elsewhere.
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