He has been saying it will be cheaper.When I asked about the...

  1. 2,674 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    He has been saying it will be cheaper.

    When I asked about the technical side, it should be obvious I wasn't talking about the intricacies of nuclear reactor design.

    I was referring to the overall grid design.

    How many nuclear reactors does the coalition think we need?

    Nuclear reactors need to shut down completely for relatively long periods for maintenance on very regular schedules. How many more do we need to compensate for that?

    Dutton seems to be indicating that nuke sites will go on existing coal sites. What do we do for power while those coal sites are being shut down? While remediation of those sites is going on? While the nuke will then be built?

    I just look at what has been announced so far on this policy, and there just isn't any there there. It's an empty thought bubble.

    Bill Gates is building nuclear reactors everywhere - but he doesn't want a bar of building one in Australia - he says it will be too expensive here compared to other things.

    That's why I want to know which subject matter experts they are consulting to develop this policy. Nothing the LNP has said on this checks out.

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