By way of update, there has been keen interest to call a meeting under s 249D/249F of the Corporations Act to remove MO as a director.
To call the meeting, we need approximately another 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 shares to meet the 5% quorum. That is, 1 or 2 more holders from the T20:
If you have not sent me an email yet, you have not been counted towards the 5%. This is because the meeting can only be requested if the entities comprising the 5% each sign the request to the company.
@Bigboy000: you have tooted a generous 4% holding in numerous posts, yet I haven't received any email from you. Email me if you actually have any genuine intention to support the meeting.)
Anyone that is interested, especially those in the T20, please email
[email protected] (this is a randomly generated masked address that forwards to my private email) noting the number of shares collectively held across your entities.
For those who are concerned about a replacement managing director, that is something to be discussed amongst the 5%, once mustered. Legal fees wont be an issue for calling the meeting - there are lawyers amongst us to assist with the paperwork.
Edit: I have replied to those who have emailed me thus far. If you have not received a response, I have not received your email.