WJC President Lauderlabels Irish SchoolCurriculum...

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    WJC President Lauderlabels Irish SchoolCurriculum unabashedlyantisemiticAn antisemitic curriculum – ‘Talk about Palestine,’developed by Teachers for Palestine, whichcomprises members of the Irish National TeachersOrganisation and the Teachers Union of Ireland– will be used in Irish primary and secondaryschools.World Jewish Congress President Ronald S.Lauder said: “This curriculum fans the flames of hateat a time of heightened global tensions and surgingantisemitism, particularly in academic settings.The materials mendaciously charge Israel withgenocide; omit the atrocities of 7 October, includingthe mass murders and rapes that precipitated thelatest round of fighting; and fail to reference theindiscriminate missile attacks on Israeli civilians aswell as the Israelis taken hostage by Hamas, amongmany other egregious lapses.“Moreover, the curriculum urges students to‘join the fight for Palestinian justice,’ and does notmention any peace process or two-state solution.In other words, this initiative actively promotesdivision, incites violence, and targets Jewishstudents for bullying and isolation.”He called on the Irish government andeducational authorities to intervene immediatelyadvocating, together with the JewishRepresentative Council of Ireland, for the adoptionof a curriculum that reflects historical truths andpromotes peace.” WJC
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