It's a toss up between Messrs. Windsor and Oakeshott -but, to...

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    It's a toss up between Messrs. Windsor and Oakeshott -

    but, to me, Oakeshott has the higher ideals - he told us so when he took 17 days plus a (seems like) three hours speech to communicate his "visions" - for OUR future. and pick "stable" government - for us.

    remember? He was going to insist Parliament Question Time was re-vamped to be respectul and polite - cut out Dorothy Dixers, and restore the gravitas and respectfulness of Parliamentary procedures overall. Just as Ms. Gillard was "going to let the sunshine in!" Oakeshott even fnccied a stint as Speaker! Well, now, he can have top job. Won't he be marvelous! An intellectual giant - and us, safe at last.

    Yes, Oakeshott for PM. Brown for Deputy. Windsor for Treasurer. And Sarah Hansen Young-ish for Foreign Minister.
    She'll sort out the boats - even if she has to row 'em herself!

    Don't know why I'm so brilliant - and none of you dopes got this - the next great Labor line-up! It's as clear as a bell - this succession!

    Bill Shorten - yesterdays fish and chips! This foursome will be stunning - just watch! - and all our troubles, man, will be over.
    As the Spiritual goes.

    (Our kids living in rentals. Or trash bins. On no hope. Asylum seekers, contrarily, given luxury houses, and all possible aid. Government not telling us that though! That's what we want! Equality for all)

    hehehehehehehe! Have to laugh - or I'd cry.

    Mm mm mmmmmm - angels' chorus! Saved by Bobby and Bobby!
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