oakeshott labor's best weapon!

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Start to shake people.

    Oakeshott just "interviewed" by Steve Price and Andrew Bolt on 1377MTR. Absolutely frightening stuff. There is NO way this fellow will go with the Coalition. Talk of the Devil - if Labor were the Devil, he'll still go with them!
    Talking like a machine gun, he recited his dogma that we must now have (HE says!) a set three years of Parliament (even if the incumbent is bad and it all starts to fall apart - too bad, we have to see it out he says!) - and HIS own plans and visions for the complete overhaul of Parliamentary procedures as are required and specified by HIM!!!
    (Don't remember those issues coming up during the campaign - do you?)
    This guy is SO convinced it'sall about HIM, the SOLE saviour of Australia, that he just does NOT listen to any opposing viewpoint. He is a worry, to put it midly! As is anyone who thinks that yelling over your opponent wins the argument. I think it's called bullying isn't it?

    Price and Bolt, perfectly civil and reasonable when they could get a word in edgeway - which was hardly at all, were yelled at, yelled over, and Oakeshott's ego was so monumental he kept talking continuously, even when they tried to ask a question, right over the top of them, and, most frightening of all, would NOT listen to one piece of logic from either interviewer. It was not what weas best for Australia - it was all what was best for HIM! And what he wants. This man is totally only interested in HIMSELF and re-engineering Australian politics to what HE wants them to be!
    He just continued with his obsessive yelling over the top of them - saying he is NOT interested in what they say. He kept shouting his views to the extent that Price had to terminate the interwiew, politely! It was absolutely disgraceful. Tnere was upraor from the callers afterwards.
    It was frightening stuff!

    Oakeshott is NOT interested that:-

    The Coalition won the Primary vote.
    The Coallition now has over 2000 more 2nd preference votes.
    The Coalition has won the most seats.

    When Price remined him that Gillard said just after election night that the CRUCIAL FACTOR for Labor to be allowed to govern ws that they had (then) won the most number of 2nd preference votes, he went right off like a screaming banshee and said that didn't matter - HE wants to reform Parliament once and for all. He also said he doesn;t care what his electorate majroity thinks! (Might be news to them!) This is the great moment to do all these great reforms (the ones HE wants!)

    It was an abolustely DISGRACEFUL performance. As Price said to him, obviously you think it;s all about YOU mate!It's all about YOU and YOUR ego, - not about Australia and what Austraians want ot have voted at allo!!

    So take it from me, there are only now TWO amigos. One is
    the cousin of a Labor heavy, and the other a renowned eccentric, who loves being hornery for the sake of being hornery. NO WAY will Oakeshott go with the Liberal Coalition. You had to hear this deluded rant to believe it. We may get a Greens Labor Coalition of course. Thanks to Oakeshott!

    Their own electorates, it seems, can go to hell.

    with Wilkie, Brandt, and now Oakeshott (and believe me = he will NOT go with the Coalition - there is no way he ever will after this morning's very revealing revelation of what he's really like! (Shudder)
    The abovr summary gives you a good idea of what I'd really like to say about the man, but cannot. Gillard, at the Press Club today, will twist and turn and knowing how Oakeshott feels, be feeling very cocky that she, despite the people's voting otherwise, will be told by the GG SHEe can govern, safely, for another SET TERMS NOW, of three years! Did WE vote for set terms of Federal Government - and the PM being required to tell these three WHAT DATE she will call the next election? Don't remember that!

    Good help Australia at the hands of such an illogical EGO!

    This is outrageous flouting of democrary. We are being held to ransom. If YOU'D heard this "interview" you'd be as worried and wild as I am. But what can WE do about it??

    For a start, I'd suggest that any conservative voters living in the windsor or Katter electorates held by Windsor or Katter call them up immediately and air their protest that they are associating themselves with this person! Also go to th 1377 website to see if there's a replay of this interview, or call them and ask them can they put one up!
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