obama creaming mcain, page-7

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    not the current governments fault it was all Clintons fault


    Clinton may not have been perfect, did some good and some not so good

    Fact is the current idiot has been in power for 8 years during which time the US has gone from bad to a lot worse.

    He has morally and financially bankrupted the US.

    The Bush administration, when the US went into recession in early 2000/01 encouraged the banks to lend more money, with no regualtion, so people could go on a spending spree and buy the ecomomy out of recession.

    No plan what so ever about how this credit was eventually going to be paid back, no real plans for this for building long term strength in the economy, instead all this unregulated easy credit was spent on imporing goods from China and over inflating their property values.

    Extreme communism and socialism have proven to be failures, just as pure capitalism is right now proving to be a failure, having a complete idiot incharge has just speed up this failure

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