obama.days numbered oh lame duck, page-33

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    As usuual you have got things all topsy-turvy...
    A bit like carbon-dioxide causes warming rather than warming leads to a rise in CO2...

    To correct your mis-conceeptions...

    "Kinda like being anti Tony Abbott or Coalition is therefore commie or socialist. "
    => Kinda like being a commie or socialist and therefore being anti Tony Abbott or Coalition. is actually the far more likely scenario in real life...

    "Kinda like being anti Israel is anti-semite."
    => Kinda like being an anti-semite and therefore being anti Israel. is again the far more likely scenario in real life.

    Youngsters sometimes mix up cause and effect... in time they generally begin to understand that the world is a very different place to their childhood imaginings and longings...

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