obama finds birth certificate, page-28

  1. 235 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    For me, this little rant says it all: Obama birth certificate is just as authentic as...

    Excerpt below:

    In fact, the whole matrix in which we live today is so universally faked and fabricated that I'm not sure that an authentic, genuine human being would even have a chance at leading the nation. We need fake Presidents to lead our fake nation into fake economic abundance, so all those "birthers" screaming about the faked birth certificate should frankly just shut up and eat their fake ham sandwiches made with that faked processed cheese food-like substance squeezed between two pieces of fake white bread.

    Stop complaining and watch your fake "reality" TV shows, listen to the fake news, work at your fake government job and keep swallowing fake food so that you can become a highly-profitable patient in our faked health care system based on faked science and run by fake researchers. This is how the system works today. Reality has nothing to do with it, and you should abandon any such bizarre ideas. They're unpatriotic.

    In fact, the release of Obama's birth certificate, with all its layers and Photoshop edits and mismatched numbers that were obviously assembled from multiple sources is not an admission of fakery -- it's a proud statement of authenticity! It says that our President is perfectly in tune with the faked society over which he presides. That's what we need in America today; a genuine man of the People.

    After all, only a true fake can achieve the level of fakery required in our world to be embraced as authentic.

    And today, I bow down to the master of fakery; the man who is so authentic in his fakiness that he has released the world's first authentic counterfeit birth certificate, proudly assembled from layers that would be widely considered faked by anyone who wasn't sufficiently psychologically invested in the real world, by which I mean our faked society.

    From here forward, I think we should all just start faking it. Reality, after all, is overrated.
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