obama just another stooge

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    WHAT SHOULD OBAMA DO NEXT? (pray for GM & California - dx)

    July 4, 2009. The most ordinary assessment of Obama’s first five months in office is: he’s blocked. Who knows exactly how, or by whom, or why? He wants to achieve more and he can’t.

    Forget his majorities in both houses of Congress. Forget his popular support in the country. Forget the shambles the Republicans have made of themselves. Forget whatever good will the new president has engendered overseas. Somehow, he’s stymied. If he could, he would lighten the load of the economic crisis. But he can’t.


    Let’s look through the end of the telescope most heavy political hitters are ignoring. What do we see? People have lost their homes. They’ve lost their jobs. Small businesses are struggling and closing their doors.

    The reason? Crimes have been committed, and these people are the victims. It’s a clear-cut case, even if Obama wants to ignore the criminals and “move forward.”

    His excuse is: he doesn’t want to cause more political turmoil in Washington; he needs cooperation there; and solutions should be the focus.

    But so far, there are no solutions for the victims. Instead, mostly predatory rich men are being saved and even rewarded for the felonies they’ve committed. So moving forward means these men will continue to profit. Is that any kind of answer to the crisis? Does that ensure a bright future?

    The president seems to be ignoring the fact that his millions and millions of supporters would warm to the idea of arrests and convictions. It would signal the arrival of justice; never a bad thing.

    Order the Attorney General to move in and put 20 of the most egregious financial thieves and con men in cuffs and drag them off to jail. Short of rendering them to a foreign secret-police force, speedy trials would certainly be a good idea. Just to set the record straight and bring some clarity to the situation. Just to blow away a few enormous clouds of bullshit.


    Obama clearly does not have the stomach for this. He knows the big shots at Treasury and the Fed Reserve---the men who are shaping the bailout---are close pals of the thieves who stole billions and are now raking in a few trillion in government money.

    There is no “moving forward.” There are just new crimes of gross neglect and theft being piled on top of the original crimes.

    There is a simple rule here. When a major crime is committed, you prosecute the offenders, and you try to help the victims.

    Helping the victims, in this case, amounts to creating millions of new jobs and giving people back their homes. These new jobs aren’t for the predators at the top of the food chain. They’re for the ones who were robbed.

    FDR created millions of new jobs during the Great Depression. He didn’t do it by waiting for the banks to acquire new capital so they could make loans and thus stimulate the economy. Of course, FDR, according to conservative critics, disrupted the free market with his antics. On closer examination, however, it turned out that the free market had been torn apart already, before the Depression, by stock hustlers and other financial scumbags who were routinely cheating their customers. And banks and investment houses suddenly developed a conscience by calling in egregious loans they themselves had floated---thereby puncturing the great balloon.

    Obama could go before the nation. He could mobilize the population whose help he said he would need during “the coming trying times.” He could rely on public pressure to convict the chief felons and create jobs. Now.

    But he won’t. By his own standards, he’s a loser. The great change he was supposedly angling for is turning out to be just another pink cloud vanishing on the horizon.

    It might take the American people another few years to realize he’s no angel, but the signs are already there. He doesn’t have the guts for a real fight, and apparently he never actually meant what he was saying during his high-flying campaign for the presidency.

    JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com
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