obama or romney presidential election, page-12

  1. 1,418 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Looks like its gonna be really close which is a worry.

    Its amazing that american votes can be so stupid to fall for the same rubbish again only 8 years after voting in bush.

    All Romney says they need to improve the economy is less regulation, tax cuts for the rich, more military spending and a war against iran. he actually said that his election would in itself cause the economy to improve. He is selling the same trickle down snake oil that bush sold and there are people who are actually buying it!

    they criticise obama for not fixing everything in 4 years without talking about how much damage they did in 8 and how the republicans have refused to compromise on anything. The GOP is the most far right party in a major country in the world.

    The scary thing is they might actually win.
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