For some OECD countries it might in fact make some sense to opt...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    For some OECD countries it might in fact make some sense to opt for a significant structural change in the cash-flows of the economy in order to re-fresh government coffers with extra cash strip-mined from individuals and corporations by something like a carbon dioxide tax, although a tax on oxygen use and/or nitrogen production would probably make as much sense from both the scientific and economic point of view...

    These countries are more likely to be some of the bankrupt European countries that face default, potential confiscation of individual bank accounts, looting of pension and retirement accounts and controls on cash and assets crossing the border...
    Somewhat a similar situation to the Cyprus model that seems to be a potential template for much of Europe...

    Radical and desperate measures are needed in many of these bankrupt countries and must include necessary measures to somehow convince the population to accept the haircut/confiscations they are going to get on their savings, pensions and assets...

    Since so much money has already been spent on building the fantasy and myth of the apocalyptic AGW cult that all of humanity can only be saved from by draconian carbon dioxide taxes, it might make sense, from the point of view of the politicians seeking an easy way out of their dilemma and seeking to also avoid the Marie Antionnette style wrath of the people, to embark on a full spectrum, saturation marketing campaign to promote this fantasy-based AGW/carbon dioxide tax along with some planned and executed "catastrophic climate catastrophes" to convince and panic the population into paying up quickly...

    Now that Australia has a sane and sensible liberal government rather than a collection of looting union-boss controlled socialist clowns and scoundrels, I would expect that Australia would be safe for some time from the absolutely desperate economic situation that many of these bankrupt EU states are in that would justify such a twilight-zone "solution" as a ridiculous carbon-dioxide tax to accomplish a more orderly confiscation of cash and assets from the people...

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