JRV 0.00% 1.1¢ jervois global limited

Thanks Bayesman....I did not know that they have a HOA with MLM...

  1. 12,215 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1306
    Thanks Bayesman....I did not know that they have a HOA with MLM before they approached JRV...

    I used to keep a tab on MLM as they are quite ahead of us now at this stage, but have not recently looked over the counter in their direction....

    But, it is a very positive sign that the end-user is now interested in getting his hands on the raw material...this should get the rest of buyers interested... product developers/innovators will get more involved in finding uses of this REE and who knows one day we could be one of the supplier of this pricey commodity...

    today looks brighter than yesterday and tomorrow could be better than today...
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