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Originally posted by gumnuts
No one is slamming you, just asking for you to reference your material. It is commonly known as evidence. I did also question your motivation which, again, is not slamming you. You need a thicker skin and you also need to realise that if you're going to make comments and ask rhetorical questions in order to create doubt then you will probably be questioned by intelligent people. We're not all sheep and don't always believe everything others state as fact without seeing something tangible. Please don't get so defensive when you are asked to validate your comments/rhetorical questions.
"FYI i can confirm that i am correct about the licences" - Can you please show me where I can find this information so I can read it and make an informed opinion. I have not once said you were incorrect but I am asking for a reference point. All you need to do is nominate which report/document/article/source you got this information and I will do more research if possible.
I persist because I also have money invested in this and don't want to see the CDG brand tarnished by rogue accusations and slurs (if a claim can be supported with evidence then it is no longer an accusation or slur). There's no doubt that CDG has failed to achieve targets and that their budget is tight, absolutely no doubt, but CDG has huge potential and I fully believe that they will deliver. It simply does not concern me that an employee does not hold shares.
Lets start with the proof. Portuguese for gold is ouro. I have highlighted below.
Cleveland Premier have a (GU) Guia do utilização
Table of minerals and the maximum respective quantities in Portuguese issued by the DNPM.
TABELA DE SUBSTÂNCIAS MINERAIS E RESPECTIVAS QUANTIDADES MÁXIMAS PARA FINS DE EMISSÃO DE GUIA DE UTILIZAÇÃO SUBSTÂNCIA MINERAL QTD/ANO UNIDADE Abrasivos 400 Toneladas Ágatas, Drusas e outras pedras decorativas 200 Toneladas Agalmatolito 4000 Toneladas Areia (agregado) 50000 Toneladas Areia Industrial 10000 Toneladas Areias monazíticas ou monazita 2000 Toneladas Argilas (cerâmica) 12000 Toneladas Argilas especiais 5000 Toneladas Argilas refratárias 15000 Toneladas Barita 500 Toneladas Bauxita (minério de alumínio) 20000 Toneladas Brita 30000 Metros Cúbicos Calcário Calcítico ou Dolomítico, Dolomito 20000 Toneladas Conchas Calcárias 12000 Toneladas Calcita 6000 Toneladas Carvão 40000 Toneladas Cascalho (agregado ou pavimentação) 8500 Toneladas Cassiterita (minério de estanho) 300 Toneladas Caulim 3000 Toneladas Chumbo (minério de) 2000 Toneladas Cianita 1500 Toneladas Cobalto (minério de) 1500 Toneladas Cobre (minério de) 4000 Toneladas Columbita Tantalita 150 Toneladas Cromo (minério de) 5000 Toneladas Diamante (cascalho de) 50000 Toneladas Diamante (minério primário) 3000 Quilates Enxofre 500 Toneladas Espodumênio 150 Toneladas Esteatito 20000 Toneladas Feldspato 4000 Toneladas Ferro (minério de) 300000 Toneladas Filito 12000 Toneladas Fluorita 1500 Toneladas Gipsita 600 Toneladas Grafita 5000 Toneladas Hidrargilita 100 Toneladas Ilmenita 200 Toneladas Magnesita 20000 Toneladas Manganês (minério de) 6000 Toneladas Micas 120 Toneladas Níquel (minérios de) 4000 Toneladas Ouro (minérios de) 50000 Toneladas Pedras preciosas (gemas) 100 Quilos Quartzo 4000 Toneladas Rochas ornamentais e de revestimentos - carbonáticas (mármores, travertinos) 3600 Metros Cúbicos Rochas ornamentais e de revestimentos - silicatadas (granitos e gnaisses, quartzitos, serpentinitos e basaltos) 6000 Metros Cúbicos Rochas ornamentais e de revestimentos - outras (ardósias, arenitos e quartzitos friáveis) 1500 Metros Cúbicos Saibro 10000 Metros Cúbicos Sal-gema 5000 Toneladas 3 Salitre 100 Toneladas Sapropelito 4000 Toneladas Silício (Metálico/ Minério de) 18000 Toneladas Silimanita 100 Toneladas Talco 5000 Toneladas Titânio (minério de) 2000 Toneladas Tungstênio (minério de) 300 Toneladas Turfa 10000 Toneladas Vanádio (minério de) 100 Toneladas Zinco (minério de) 10000 Toneladas Zircônio (minério de) 300 Toneladas