official: bush totally up the creek ..., page-4

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    it is not so much a selection based on differences, but based on how much money the candidates manage to raise in the pre-election build-up.

    Currently Hillary is way ahead in cash raised, although the various sources are of such dubious and questionable nature that it is hard to see how even she will be able to get away with it. Hillary also carries so much negative baggage it is hard to see her being able to follow through to victory despite her massive war-chest of funny-money.

    Not unlike Bill's fund raising, on sale to the highest bidder regardless of the background.

    Polls seem to be used these days more as an instrument of social conditioning to get progressively more of the population to accept as a social norm and so tend to fall in line with, some blatantly stupid and destructive social policies the leftists would like to burden us all with.

    It does seems that the leftist 24 hour news/entertainment/media complex in the US is determined to force a democratic election victory next year, just as the leftist 24 hour news/entertainment/media complex in Australia is determined to force a labor party election victory in Australia this year and by doing so, hand control of Australia to the corrupt union bosses.

    This constant but periodic stream of one-sided and distorted polls is one of the mechanisms they use to support the constant 24 hour a day barrage of one-sided and distorted news and sound-bites they have selected to support the candidate they have chosen, and to demolish the candidate they have decided should lose.

    In the both the US and in Australia, the leftist-controlled, 24 hour news/entertainment/media complex has actually become the great threat to our democracy and the democratic process that Eisenhower noted but mistakenly pinned on the once powerful US military/industrial complex of the cold war years.

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