So ..You want us all to work for less money.You say Africans are...

  1. 262 Posts.
    So ..You want us all to work for less money.
    You say Africans are willing to work for $2 a day or less.
    (Tell that to protesters at Marikana and elsewhere)
    You say: "High wages are acting as a deterrent to investment".

    Wayne Swans speech today made great emphasis on the $230billion investment pipeline...primarily in resources.
    Premiere Barnett concurs.

    It irks me that the Hanckock fortune, that gave you the ability to gain so much wealth and was provided by the blood sweat and sheer hard work of thousands of Aussies, has given you impetus, nay even the right, to denounce them. It would appear more like biting the hand that feeds.

    Africa is a swirling pool of poverty, anguish and torment. Those people do not want to be paid a pittance but they have no choice. Stand up and dare ask for more and be shot for your trouble.

    Is that what you want for Australian's Mrs be subserviated to the whims and wants of the super rich while struggling to find enough to eat? Profits at any cost?

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