Yes she probably is smithy9 and you are in your viewpoint...

  1. 262 Posts.
    Yes she probably is smithy9 and you are in your viewpoint also.

    But she should lay the blame at the policy makers feet, not the people also trying to survive the flow on effects of government policy(rising everything costs!). The worker who just wants to be fairly remunerated( most people make a paltry $800~1000 week gross) did not instigate the Mining Tax nor the Carbon Tax or whatever other disincentive schemes Government may be contemplating...including Social Welfare schemes that only serve to slowly impoverish people morally and financially.

    Mrs Rinehart should perhaps word her criticisms more carefully. As, thus far, she has shown herself to be quite insensitive to ordinary people. Smoke, drink and socialize less, work harder, stop whinging and take a pay cut has been the message from her so far. To compare Australian workers with African workers is just plain offensive and somewhat insulting(to Aussies and Africans alike). As I said before, they may indeed work for $2 a day but they sure as hell don't do it gleefully. Just look what is happening there now. They are chasing 300% pay rises with probably little hope of getting even 10%...or shot/arrested for asking. African people are basically still being treated as slaves and working for not much more than a hand to mouth subsistence in abject poverty. No cashed up Bogans there.

    On the other hand perhaps $150k a year is a bit much for driving a truck or excavator or whatever. There Mrs Rinehart may have a point.

    When your sitting atop a $30 billion mountain you should have a clear view. Perhaps its cloudy up on Mt Rinehart.

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