I would suggest, with all your anti-Religious diatribe, to start...

  1. 157 Posts.
    I would suggest, with all your anti-Religious diatribe, to start concentrating where the REAL "RELIGIOUS" THREAT is emanating from. Definitely NOT from the Religious Right. It's coming from the Psychopathically paranoid Ahmedijedian clique, which threatens to wipe countries of the World map, in order to bring about the holocaustic world nuclear chaos that will lead (as their irrational parania tells them)to the ushering of the fictitious 12 year old imam Mehdi. We can joke -AND WE DO- with the "Loony" religious Right in the West, but cannot even remotely contemplate to criticise the Dangerous paranoid Islamic extremists (Let alone living in their "paradises" and criticise them from within their system as we do in the 'bad" West)........
    As a "Leftist Socialist", you should also know this: Communists, socialists, Sexually liberated individuals of both sexes, artists etc, in most Islamic countries, have either "disappeared" or are languishing in jails like the Evin jail in Tehran.
    So, I suggest, next time, please concentrate your criticism , where it should be: The Real danger to our World's democratic rights, humane freedoms, and yes, even our future and survival.

    Chhers....Have a great day Atomu;))
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