Dutch Lawmaker Urges Halting Immigration to Save Democratic...

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    Dutch Lawmaker Urges Halting Immigration to Save Democratic Holland

    Dear Immigration Reformer:

    Even the Dutch, those most tolerant and progressive of creatures,
    have had it with mass Third World immigration and its twin evil
    multiculturalism. Hordes of unassailable and unassimilating Moslems are
    destroying Holland's traditional peace and civility. The recent murder
    --actually torture and butchery -- of film-maker Theo van Gogh and the fact
    that extremist Moslem threats have driven many Dutch politicians into hiding
    demonstrate that a nation cannot accept large numbers of radically different
    people, who may not share the commitment to peace, tolerance and democracy
    of the host population.

    Canada should take note. With 7 per cent plus unemployment what do we
    need any more immigration for anyway?

    Paul Fromm



    Dutch Lawmaker Urges Halting Immigration
    Associated Press Writer

    November 19, 2004, 2:38 PM EST

    THE HAGUE, Netherlands -- One of the most popular politicians in the
    Netherlands said Friday the country's democracy is under threat and called
    for a five-year halt to non-Western immigration in the wake of the killing
    of a Dutch filmmaker by a suspected Muslim radical.

    "We are a Dutch democratic society. We have our own norms and values,"
    right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders told The Associated Press in an interview.
    "If you chose radical Islam you can leave, and if you don't leave
    voluntarily then we will send you away. This is the only message possible."

    In his first interview with the foreign media since the slaying of filmmaker
    Theo van Gogh on Nov. 2, Wilders said his own life has been repeatedly
    threatened. He said he has begun living under state protection and has even
    had to stay away from his own home.

    Wilders split with the free-market coalition partner Liberal Party two
    months ago because it backed the candidacy of predominantly Muslim Turkey
    for the European Union.

    He formed his own conservative party, the Wilders Group, which has one seat
    in the 150-member parliament. But a recent poll suggested his anti-immigrant
    message was reverberating through the electorate, and he would win 24 seats
    if elections were held today -- up from 19 seats before Van Gogh's murder.

    Wilders said that without swift, bold action, Islamic fundamentalism will
    topple the country's democratic system.

    "The Netherlands has been too tolerant to intolerant people for too long,"
    he said. "We should not import a retarded political Islamic society to our
    country. There is nothing to be ashamed of to say this. It's not Islam. I
    speak out against the facts."

    In Brussels, Belgium, European Union leaders met Friday to discuss
    immigration, one of Europe's most pressing and sensitive issues. EU justice
    and interior ministers agreed to demand that new immigrants learn the
    language of their adopted countries and adhere to "European values" to guide
    them toward better integration.

    Even as the number of immigrants arriving in Europe falls due to tougher
    policies, led by a sharp drop in the Netherlands, Wilders said closing the
    borders isn't enough. Newcomers should be forced to integrate.

    "If in a mosque there is recruitment for jihad, it's not a house of prayer,
    it's a house of war. If it's not a house of prayer, it should be closed
    down," he said.

    Wilders, known for his radical positions and peroxide-blond hair, has been a
    member of parliament since 1998. He was born and educated in the southern
    city Venlo, near the German border.

    "I'm very tough on radical Islam. I have the toughest ideas on beating this
    problem and I'm proud of it. I say nothing wrong. I'm no racist, no
    anti-Islamist," he said.

    Wilders and the police took the death threats more seriously following the
    slaying of Van Gogh, who had produced a television drama critical of how
    women are treated in some Muslim societies. The filmmaker was shot and
    stabbed to death, allegedly by a 26-year-old suspected Islamic extremist who
    holds Dutch and Moroccan citizenship.

    The most recent threats were disclosed when two terror suspects, arrested
    Nov. 10 after a standoff in which several policemen were wounded by a hand
    grenade, were charged with threatening Wilders and other politicians, their
    lawyer said.

    The latest video threat broadcast on the Internet -- in Dutch, with Arabic
    music in the background -- condemns Wilders for insulting Islam and offers
    the reward of paradise for his beheading.

    Wilders' style and cause are reminiscent of Pim Fortuyn, a flamboyant
    political outsider who put immigration on the national agenda before the
    2002 elections. Fortuyn was shot to death by an animal rights activist days
    before the vote, but major parties since have largely embraced his ideas.

    Wilders said he is not opposed to mainstream Islam but is concerned by
    studies saying 10 percent of the Dutch Muslim population -- or about 100,000
    people -- support radical Islamic views.

    He cited a report by Dutch intelligence saying recruitment for jihad, or
    holy war, is taking place in as many as 20 mosques in the Netherlands, and
    said they should be closed and their imams, or preachers, arrested and

    "If we don't do anything ... we will lose the country that we have known for
    centuries. People don't want the Netherlands to be lost, and this is
    something that I get angry about and I am going to fight for, to keep the
    country Dutch," he said.

    I concur. Australia WAKEY WAKEY

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