mopom, ypsilon mopom, thanks for your little inuendo with my...

  1. 1,322 Posts.
    mopom, ypsilon mopom, thanks for your little inuendo with my nic, that was very innovative of you (lol)
    Will you please elaborate what you mean by; "Of course the(y) will side with the likes of you and your ilk..
    You are all equally as treacherous."
    Who knows whom the editors will side with. I have observed that on occasions editors do not necessarily follow the line that we often believe might come from the editor's employer. For the press, it's about selling newspapers and they do like to keep favour with their readers, especially when their is a significant public approach/reaction.

    Ypsilon. I've been interested in politics, including the Fabian Society for all my post adolescent years. I have no formal qualifications if that is what you want to know. My views are expressly that, just views. You may or may not agree with them and quite properly that is your perogative. Instead of making some derogatory remarks about where I may have studied, counter my views with some intelligent argument.
    Perhaps you may enlighten us as to your political credentials.
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