Wouldnt it be an interesting scenario if the mad mullahs et al...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    Wouldnt it be an interesting scenario if the mad mullahs et al managed to gain control over the body that sets the production #'s and hence the price of oil.

    I mean imagine how the thinking in the different sections of the international (and Aussie) community would shift I think in its view of whether we should move into the ME to secure the oil resources which play such an integral part of of our life

    I mean forget rational thought and economically sustainable thinking and hence pricing if the mad mulla thing occured.

    And forget about minor inconveniences.

    If the above scenario eventuated forget about life as you know it!!

    Imagine the impact on transport, traver, freight, heating, manufacturing, inflation , cost of goods etc............

    And how long before this scenario eventuates??

    Why wage war against you enemy from afar and with unmatched armament when you can impact on each and every aspect of your enemies life by making such decisions???

    The damage such a n act would wreak would make 9-11 seem like a warm-up

    How long would it take before the rest of the world would see the need to move - perhaps with the UN's sanction (hahahahahaha) - to take this out of the hands of the barbarians??

    And I wonder what part this line of thinking played in the US and Britians decision to enter Iraq?

    Worth a thought.....those with a brain anyway
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