It's almost hilarious to watch the illuminati card GAME play out...

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    It's almost hilarious to watch the illuminati card GAME play out as if it's real when it isn't, so easy to predict what they are going to do when they blantantly tell everyone what THEY intend to do exactly beforehand and now we see it evolve!!!

    Most funny part is how they predict HAARPACANE RITA to directly hit Houstan days before it evens eventuates into a threatening storm let alone see it brew within a few hours from a 1 CAT to a 5 CAT storm.

    You have to love the HAARP boyz.

    what am i talking about?

    Same $hit i've been blabbing on for now since i popped my blabbing head into this forum.

    Read THEIR GAME it is so blunt and easy to do if you know how...makes me sad how so limited few can see this for what it really is.

    What's the key, research research research.

    knowledge is power and power to the masses makes the ptb worry.

    Remember i told you all Global Warming was a charade
    well here is your answer, laugh if u want...

    Hold on folks, you have now taken the E-ticket. Current science and ancient text tell us “it is the Sun” that is the cause of today’s escalated weather phenomena. Global warming is a “myth”. It is a made up name created by James Hansen in 1988. It is a fabrication created by the very entity who is producing it. That’s right, it was created by Shell Oil, Texaco, BP Oil, Phillips Petroleum, Chevron. Who stands to make billions on this made up fabrication? The very oil companies who are being blamed. It is an old text book formula. Create the ‘evil doer”, then pledge to kill it.

    Thank God for the internet.

    Daniel 12:4

    "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased"


    Then agian who cares right...

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