ok, i admit it -- i am a muslim, page-2

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    lol... some apology............condemns it as heinous, then goes on for the rest of the story attempting to deflect the blame to everyone else.

    Another claytons apology.
    The mossad assassination attempt in London was a beaut........ what credibility does this clown have when he blatantly peddles the standard paranoid mantra of the looney left and the islamic conspiracy theories weve all become so used to.

    "1982: Israeli ambassador shot in London
    The Israeli ambassador to Britain is critically ill in hospital after being shot on a London street.
    Shlomo Argov, 52, was leaving a diplomatic function at the Dorchester Hotel in Mayfair when a young man who had been seen loitering outside the building attacked him".
    Shlomo Argov survived the attack but was permanently paralysed.
    Two Jordanians and an Iraqi linked to Palestinian extremist Abu Nidal were convicted of the attempted murder of the envoy in March 1983.

    Israeli Prime Minister Menachen Begin retaliated with "Operation Peace for Galilee", a full-scale invasion of Lebanon.

    The war lasted for 11 months and Israeli forces did not begin to withdraw from the country until June 1985.

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