OK to blame all men but not OK to blame all Muslims....hypocrisy, page-169

  1. 190 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Yes I believe my attitude towards women was, and still is biased against them. I'm certainly not the worst example of misogyny going around, far from it. But denying that women have it worse than us, and doing nothing about it just doesn't sit right with me.

    Until a few years ago I hadn't even thought about (or wanted to think about) abuse rates, gender pay gaps, rape/murders, etc. I just thought it was what our society was like, and we have to look out for ourselves. Never once considered that I might have it better than someone else, or that I could do something about it, that's what privilege does to you. I only ever really took notice of those better off than me.

    But yeah I'm a product of my environment, and growing up in a country town has a way of instilling certain attitudes, not just around women but around how boys and men should behave around each other. Times are changing, and certain things are no longer acceptable.

    Honestly, if my son grows up to be biased towards women and not genuinely neutral, it wouldn't bother me. Of course I want him to respect all humans equally, but correcting an ingrained societal bias is something I'm taking upon myself. If more men start dying at the hands of women than how it is at the moment, then I'll start worrying. I can't see that happening anytime soon though.
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