ok we got the message, but, page-22

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    UT...what most do not consider....there are alternative actions one can take, there are other plan b's, plan c, etc

    same as with the stock market and other asset classes....there are alternative actions one can take

    just because all the scaredy cats are constantly frightened by all the bad news, they act as if they are stuck on a roller coaster to hell, and they cannot get off, cannot change direction...cannot pause for breath...

    they talk and act as though that direction is inevitable....there is no plan b, for them...
    like sheep to the slaughter, they are going to fall over the cliff...

    meanwhile back in conservative land, no scaredy cats in sight, plan b's, were already in place, from as early as June 2007 for some, or over the last few years for others...that is why we did not crash and burn, as most bears predicted.....and that is why 2012 will not bring armegeddon either....
    for some armegeddon is the only view they can see.....so be it...we all have choices...
    funny though...armeggedon will only hit the housing market, not the stock market....where stocks will rule, fortunes will be made, then they will make a killing on housing...
    some will make a stack of money....its easy pickings in a volatile market.....and thats what the stockmarket is heading for again in 2012...
    just do the best you can...
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