I guess your in the self made boat and no inheritance or help ??
It's very hard for 1 generation to hand over a bag of cash when they don't understand the Fiat Money Matrix and what control they actually have over us. Individuals may catch a gust of wind in a positive cycle and make a Motza. Then they struggle to hold onto it for the rest of their lives.
There are People that do know that there are cycles designed to transfer this wealth from 1 boom to the next.
The ruling Elite know this and always get ready for the storm every 8-12 years. They put their buffers in place to ride out the storm and get ready for the next Boom Bust.
The current mess was known by the Bankers that it was coming. They introduced Basel II 1st Jan 2008.
They knew very well that the last 6 years boom was going to bust with the new banking rules.
Those in the know got ready. They are the few that can afford to pass on their wealth as inheritance.
Teach and learn to ride out these deliberate busts and our Great Grandchildren will have a Castle.