on the property drug, page-7

  1. 865 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    What is property worth today??? ...THE FULL LINGO VERSION

    Dacata said:

    "Its worth 'what the market will pay' ..and the market has woken up.

    LOL not that its woken up but it can't afford to borrow anymore nor is anyone willing to lend to them."

    That's more like it Dacata.

    I is a private building certifier and da buildin's is still expensive ta build per square metre ...ya know what i mean?

    Soooo boyz and gurlz ...da reality is ...unless buildin' materials and labour costs go south ...and dat is probablee likely ...then it is still gunna cost bigga da schmo' ta build joints ...ya know what i mean?

    Soooo ...until costs go down south ...buildin's is gona cost about da same.

    Now da major factor is still land ...see ...and day ain't makin' no more of dat in a hurry ...ya know what i mean?

    Now ...sum land might get cheeepa in da short term ...but not much of it ...unless some of da bros' and sis' are havin' a big fire sale or sumpin' ...ya know what i mean?

    Da big factor at prezzzent as you quite rightfully pointed us out Dacata ...is da fact bros's and sis's that we'ze in a credit squeeeeze, like 1961 ...ya know what i mean?

    Dat means dat even if people's wanna buy my properties ...like some have wanted to recently ...day can't getta da schmo' from da bank, baby, cos' da banks have gone off da heat in lendin' da schmo' ...ya know what i mean?

    Fact is ...day have gorn cold turkey ...ya know what i mean?

    Plus da banks are payin's too much dosh for ta borrow da schmo' even if day wanted ta lend it out ...ya know what i mean?

    Hence, da market is stagnant like dis mornin's flat beer, left on da' verandah railin' from yesterdeee's party, man ...ya know what i mean?

    We'zzze in da bigga da credit squeeeeeeeeze, man ...and we'zzze jest gotta stay cooool man ...and ride out da purrrfect storm, baby!

    ...ya knows wat i mean, man??

    Now of coursa ...dat duzzn't stoppa da banks from loookin' at dere bank lists of dere bezzzt customers ...who still gotta da cash schmo' ...who is still kings and queens ...coz day got da cash dat make' 'em kingzz and queenzz ...and you know wat da banks do wid dem cuzzztomers?

    Yeah, you got it man ...day offer to dem da spezzzial privledge of being in dere PRIVATE BANK ...ya know's what i mean?

    ...and watta day offer dem den??? Well my dear broz and sis's ...day offer dem to merge allah dere loans wid der bank atta da slightly lowwah interest, my friendzzz ...as long as day take dere loans away from dah udder places dat day gotta dere investment loans on da joints, dat still gotta da good equity ...ya know's wat i means?

    It's called da mergin' games broz' and sis's ...ya works wiv da people's wiv da schmartz who still gotta da cash reserves ...and you get 'em to move dere loan funds wivva da Private Bank on da sweeeet heart deal ...ya knows wat i means.

    Soooo ...i likes dat game and i playzzz along wiv it like i knows nuttin', man ...ya know wat i mean?

    And ...soooo meantimes i sitz back ...jack's uppa da rent on ma tenants ...'coz heaps a da people's are keen more dan muzztard ta pay higha da higha rents, deze daze ...sitz meself down on ma v'randahhhhh, in da warm sunlitezzz ...wiv da chilled amber sandwich ...and gives thanx for da generous Providence dat blesses us all.

    ...ya know what i mean?
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