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Originally posted by andrew a:
Just a quick post as a heads up for fellow holders if they find themselves in the same position as myself. When I had my original Western Uranium share certificate converted electronically and then had the holding transferred to Comsec International my shares were converted to WSTRF ( over the counter market in USD$) rather than WUC CAD $ on the Canadian Stock exchange. I recently received an email from Comsec saying that I would need to transfer my shares out or sell them as they were no longer servicing the OTC markets. If I did not do this by the 30th May 2023 the shares would be automatically sold. I reached out to Comsec International - the story goes that my original holding was by DEFAULT converted to WSTRF despite the main exchange for Western Uranium being the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE) CAD $ - ticker WUC. Solution: as Western U is dual listed and the Canadian Stock Exchange is also a Comsec approved market- the shares could therefore be transferred from WSTRF OTC US$ to CSE under ticker WUC in CAD$ . I was told it would take about 2 weeks for this to be completed. cheers
Andrew - thanks for the info. So what is the process of doing this? Do we need to let Comsec know that we want this to happen and they do the rest or do we have to go to any website for forms etc...? thanks in advance arya