on war with china ... or anybody else

  1. 1,937 Posts.
    Good morning all, my original post is appended below

    I'll be the first to admit that I entered Jan2008 and beyond with what can only really be described as an ignorance of global economics and political sciences. I was considered well educated and highly informed - times were good for many including myself. What is written below can be construed as alarming or extremist.

    It is only since via self managing myself and my family's financial affairs that I have become far more educated as to the ebb and flow of global economics and politics. I don't have any privelidged access to anything that is not already public domain, and much of my recent knowledge has been gained from many hours reading texts in State and University libraries and prominent economic journals. Some texts dating back to 1800's.

    We are well and truly living in an era of deceit, disinformation and disunity (we have been for a long while some might say). Joining the dots in only what is available publically, there is now a much higher degree of blatant misinformation in the main stream media it is offensive. I think this is obvious to many, but sadly it is ignored by far too many.

    I honestly plead with people reading this to become better informed of your own decisions and your own actions and reactions. It can only and will only benefit yourself and those closest to you (spouses, children and relatives).

    Be conscious and educated of what changes any political party will cause to come about that invade on or degrade existing civil liberties. Not just financial ones.

    The 60mins war with China is propaganda instigated by someone more interested in going to war, rather than humanitarian interests in resolving the politics. You don't think China itself would be worried about being a preemptive target of global politics considering the complicit ignorance which US/UK alliance used to attack Iraq? Why is it so simple for western main stream media to paint targets of extremist groups while failing to acknowledge such prolific and colossal failures of western policies? Our own degree of outright corruption and criminality is abominable and should be unacceptable firstly to ourselves.

    On war with China - what will happen is Australia could end up broke with no customers. Any war with China will cut off the entire south east Asian coastline and the Singapore straits. There's a map below to refresh your memory.

    World political map - click image

    This includes access to China, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore and India. All of Australia's largest customers of our resources. Without this income, Australia would be broke and debt riddled for the next 30 years in less than 12months. Then what happens in the aftermath? We resume trading?

    What is the real threat here? Misinformation and apathy

    Who stands to benefit? Not you or I

    Who should reconcile these differences? Our elected Government

    Who should manage this situation better? Duty falls on our elected Government representatives

    These same persons should be held accountable for their decisions. The media does not run this country nor any other country. Send the PM over the China to query and reassure the Chinese before this issue gets any more publicity.

    Note however, even in times of conflict/war, there are opportunities to protect your investments just as there will be places to stay the heck away from. Be warned that emergency actions of parliament will be passed without public consensus and that Banks may close.

    The only certainty is that not a single politician will go hungry throughout any major conflict that we the public might become unwilling participants of.

    Educate yourself now as to what will become forced upon you as it may constrain your existing liberties and capacity to survive if this scenario eventuates.

    War can only ever eventuate by the will of elected Governments - it cannot and will not be initiated directly by individuals of the public.

    Educate yourself now on how to best preserve your own wellbeing if a major conflict eventuates.

    Would world politics today in 2010 be ANY DIFFERENT if Saddam Hussein were still alive and leading Iraq? The answer would be a resounding NO. But surely we have learned something from the last 10 years.

    Start by protecting yourself.


    My original post on war with China posted last week. It contains sarcasm that may not be obvious to some.
    I dreamt I saw a 60mins TV advert suggesting Australia was preparing for a war with China??

    They must have got this intelligence out of the same show bag that had the Iraqi WMD's.

    What [moderated] genius thinks the nation that saved Australia from recession is interested in going to war with us? Theirs would be an economic war if they had any brains. Here's a thought - how about they stop buying Australian minerals for a few months while they decide where the landing party will set up?

    Then blockage anything we might think of sending to China, India and Japan. We'll be broke by the end of the year!

    The timing is a bit concerning now that Obama is looking for somewhere else to deploy several hundred thousand troops now that Iraq's successful transition has been signed off.

    You don't think he'd give them all a few years paid leave with all the money Bernanke's been saving up for the recovery do you?

    They all go to Shanghai in my dream ...

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