Hi dlux....I had a look at your favourite site (per your HC...

  1. 1,605 Posts.
    Hi dlux....I had a look at your favourite site (per your HC profile..):


    Interesting site, with subjects like:

    Intelligence Agency Drug Running
    The true role of these organisations is the protection of the Western economies its that simple. British SIS control all the agencies from the Pakistani ISI to MOSSAD to the CIA, remember on they created them all. British SIS are the leaders of the Global Drugs Trade which is simply a method of dumbing the people down whilst using cleaned up drug money laundered through the Stock Market companies to keep the economy going.

    or how about....

    State Sponsored Terrorism
    The Jesuit ELders need to advance their agenda amonst the public. They know the public will not accept their agenda so they create a crisis. This crisis utilises `fear' as the weapon which makes the public buckle up and follow the agenda. This is known as `Ordo Ab Chao' amongst the hierachy leadership secret societies, meaning `Order out of Chaos.' Its also known as problem-reaction-solution and the solution is always the Jesuit hidden agenda. Try to check out `Operation Northwoods' for more information. 9-11 was carried out by the CIA, British SIS & MOSSAD all working in conjunction under the orders of the Archbishop of New York and SMOM leader for the Americas, Cardinal Egan whos ultimately controlled by Jesuit Georgetown and Fordham Universities.

    and wait......

    Big Brother Tracking & Monitoring
    The Jesuit ELders wish to lock the people into the biggest enslavement known far exceeding the dark ages when we were all once overtly controlled by the Vatican overtly. This time though they wish to know everything about you and your exact location 24/7 utilising microchip implants and computer systems such as the BEAST in Brussells.

    I appreciate your views on the current state of the world economy. I just hope, others on HC, read the above quotes before reading what you post, just so they can understand the context of the way you think.

    No offense intended, but there are people out there living in a weird, weird world...............

    Good luck....looks like you need it

    Cheers, Skip

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