Akgo01,you say,so even if god chooses not to know what i will do...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 171

    you say,

    so even if god chooses not to know what i will do when i get up tomorrow, as long as he has the ability to know it, then what i will do is predestined, and i have no free will

    I say,

    look at it another way,

    I gather you are an atheist.

    say you woke up and decided of your own free will that you are going to have a sickie and go to the beach. it wasn't predestined because you decided in the morning when you woke up, it's a beautiful day, i'll go to the beach.

    Now say your boss at work had a time machine and when he went to work, he saw that there was no Akgo01 there, so he gets in his time machine and goes and peers in your bedroom window in the morning as you wake up and sees that you decided to bung on a sickie.

    so when you phone up to say, I'm not coming in, he says ï know, I saw you make that decision in my time machine, did you still make that decision of your own free will?
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