Just wondering' how many of dem for an ounce of AU when on issue...

  1. BMD
    2,433 Posts.
    Just wondering' how many of dem for an ounce of AU when on issue 2008?

    Is 229 quadrillion a biggerer numba than hungie trillyun ,Mr 'nanke?

    Profits to all.BMD

    What we did can happen to any nation that relaxes and forgets or ignores the fact that absolute power corrupts absolutely and that leaders are people who need to be constantly made to account for their actions."

    From a blogger in Zimbabwe-September, 2008

    * Zimbabwe knocked ten zeros off the end of their currency last month. If not for that, one ounce of gold in Z$'s would now cost just over 229 quadrillion Z$'s.

    ** "Why Gold-Backed Currencies Help Prevent Wars". Ferdinand Lips

    The brilliant Professor Antal E. Fekete, economist and mathematician, is conducting a seminar in Canberra, Australia from the 11th to the 14th November this year. Talk about perfect timing. It is the ONLY seminar anywhere in the world where all aspects of the gold and silver basis are discussed, together with a trading system guided by the basis. Meet and hear one of the giants of our age. Bookings for the seminar can be made through:

    [email protected]

    I was privileged to attend Professor Fekete's seminar in Hungary in August of 2006, and will again be in attendance in Canberra. Sadly it will be Professor Fekete's last presentation of Gold Standard University Live. Also in attendance will be the loquacious Mr D.R. Schoon and possibly even Tom Szabo of silveraxis.

    Sep 17, 2008
    Sam Mathid
    email: [email protected]
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